Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Smiles vs. Frowns

Have you ever asked yourself, at what point did it become okay to look happy in a photograph? My dear husband and I were mulling over this question as we looked at a picture my father sent to me yesterday. I would say we could all agree that a 50th anniversary should be a smiling, happy occasion. Yet, let's take a look at my great grandparents on their 50th anniversary....

Bless their little hearts, what is going on there? They are having a party, no doubt family has gathered around to celebrate their life together, shoot, that box looks like it came from a bakery for crying out loud!!! What could possibly be wrong with that? And yet, they look like they are attending a wake!!!

Surely this must be a cultural thing. Surely they weren't just that unhappy!!! If they were, then most of their generation and those before them were miserable, unhappy, and desperate to not have their photos taken, because this type of picture was the norm for a really long time.

Contrast this with our photos now. Here is one from our wedding:

Here we are, happy, smiling, glad to finally be married! (Not to mention WAY, WAY skinnier than we are now.) I am so glad that I was born in the smiling generation.

Truth is, things probably are way easier for us then they were for them. I have my fill of anything I want from the local mega mart. I can stay home with my kids while my husband goes off to his office job. I wash my clothes in an electric washer, wash my dishes in an electric dishwasher, my carpets are cleaned with our electric vacuum cleaner. When I have the time, I blog and catch up with the world around me via computer or the news. Compared to our previous generations, I have a cushy life.

Well, I am thankful for that, although somewhere inside it shames me a bit. I know for sure that there are people out there today living an even harder life than my great grandparents did. So, rather than feel satisfied with my life of luxury, I am going to spend today just being thankful for my blessings. Because, as I look at my home, my boys, my hubby and my electric washing machine, I realize, I have a LOT to smile about!!! Excuse me while I run and get my camera!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could you all not smile. You had what you both wanted - each other. I was at that 50th wedding anniversary and they were very happy. I remember how that farm yard was full of food and people and fun and love. They came from a generation that believed pictures should be serious, solemn affairs. Take it from me, they were happy. I remember. I also remember your beautiful wedding and am so glad we now smile in pictures. You are such a beautiful wife and daughter and I love you very, very much.